How to Completely Digitize an Object: From Multiple Models to a Complete Scan

Some digitization require dividing the work into multiple projects to entirely cover all the surfaces of the object.

This article outlines the recommended procedure with the Einstar Vega to achieve a complete mesh of an object by dividing it into different models that are ultimately combined together.


1. Creating Multiple Models with the Einstar Vega

Place the object in a desired position and begin scanning. Due to the chosen orientation, some areas may be inaccessible and, therefore, not captured.

Real object placed on a surface, ready to scan. The bottom of the object can't be captured by the scanner.

Real object placed on a surface, ready to scan. The bottom of the object can't be captured by the scanner.

Point Cloud of the scan shown in the EinStar Vega interface.

Once satisfied with the first scan, save the data and start a new project.

Rotate the object to expose previously unscanned surfaces and scan again.

The object is flipped over to be able to capture the surfaces that remained hidden before.

Point Cloud of the second scan shown in the EinStar Vega interface.

In this example, two independent models were created. Repeat this process, generating as many models as necessary to capture all areas of the object.

2. Aligning the Models in StarVision to Create a Complete 3D Model

Once all necessary models have been captured with the Einstar Vega, import them into a workspace in the StarVision software.

If necessary, clean and crop the models in the StarVision, which counts on a more precise control.

Selecting points to be deleted. Cleaning the scan data in StarVision is easier thanks to its more advanced controls and the use of the mouse.

When the models are ready, click on Alignment:

Opening the Alignment menu.

Select the models to align from the left menu. They will appear as Model 1 and Model 2 in the interface.

Different options are available to establish the seed position for the alignment iteration. Either Features or Markers in Manual or Auto mode are offered to meet the different situations the user might face. 

In the example, the Auto Features mode is used. Click on Alignment to let the software register both models together.

Initiating the Auto Features Alignment.

The software best-fits both models and combines them. Click on Add to list to complete the operation.

Adding the result to the workspace model list.

The result is added in the model list on the left side. When finished, click on the small "X" on the top-right side of the screen to exit the Alignment interface.

Closing the Alignment interface.

Back in the workspace, select the Alignment result and click on One-click processing or Generate mesh to obtain the complete model of the digitised object.

Two options to generate the mesh are offered: the One-Click processing and the Generate mesh, which provides a more detailed process control.

Using multiple models corresponding to different areas of the same object, it is possible to completely reconstruct it.

Two views of the complete result.

3. Hints and tips

  1. This procedure is not limited to two models. Combine as many models as needed to completely cover the entire surface of the object.
  2. Make sure that the models have enough over-lapping area to grant that the best-fit alignment can be applied correctly. If the models lack common areas between them, the StarVision software won't be able to successfully register them together.
  3. In the Alignment interface, use the SHIFT key and the Left Mouse Button to select common points or common markers when using the Manual mode.

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Sergi is the author of this solution article.

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