Einstar Vega ''File Transfer'' Issue

Hardware & Software Version

Scanner Model: Einstar Vega 

Operating System: Windows / MacOS


If you don't receive a notification for File Transfer Mode on your Einstar Vega scanner, the issue may be related to missing software updates, incorrect connection methods, or system restrictions. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to resolve file transfer issues.

Tools Required

  • Einstar Vega scanner

  • A PC running Windows / MacOS

  • Proper USB Type-C cable

  • StarVision software (latest version)

  • Administrative privileges to modify system settings

Error Description Symptoms

  • No notification on the scanner for File Transfer Mode when connecting the PC

  • Scanner not recognized in StarVision software.

  • Connection issues persist despite physical connectivity.


  • This issue happens when StarVision software is not running or outdated.

  • Occurs when the proper USB Type-C cable is not used.

  • May be caused by firewall or security software restrictions.


Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Ensure Proper Software and Connection
  2. File Transfer Notification
    • You should receive a notification on your scanner with the options "File Transfer" and "Charging Only".

    • Select "File Transfer".

    • Your scanner should now be detected in StarVision software.

*If you still encounter the connection issue, please follow the instructions as below:

  1. Check Firewall and Security Software Settings
    • Ensure firewall permissions allow StarVision software.

    • Verify that your Windows user account has Admin permissions.

    • Disable third-party security software temporarily if needed.


  • The Einstar Vega scanner appears in StarVision software.

  • File transfer mode activates without errors.

  • The scanner remains connected without interruptions.

Preventive Measures

  • Keep StarVision and Einstar Vega softwares updated.

  • Use only original high-speed USB Type-C cables.

  • Regularly check firewall and security software settings.

Note: If the problem persists, contact Einstar Vega support for further assistance.


Serkan is the author of this solution article.

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