Nvidia Software Installation & Graphics Settings Configuration

This article will help you to update the graphic settings, in Nvidia GeForce software.

Hardware & Software Version
Applicable Software: Nvidia Drivers, Control Panel, and EinStar Software
Personal Computer Hardware: Laptops or PCs with Nvidia GPU

Introduction Keeping your Nvidia GPU drivers up to date is crucial for system stability, improved performance, and compatibility with the latest software. Additionally, configuring the correct graphics settings ensures optimal performance when using software like EinStar for scanning tasks. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on selecting the right Nvidia drivers, updating them, performing a clean installation, and configuring essential graphic settings.

Tools Required

  • Latest Nvidia GPU drivers (downloadable from the official Nvidia website).

  • Nvidia Control Panel.

  • Windows Graphics Settings.

Ensure that your system meets the minimum hardware requirements before proceeding.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Selecting and Updating Nvidia Drivers

  1. Select the Correct Nvidia Drivers

    • Visit the official Nvidia driver download page.

    • Choose your GPU model, operating system, and driver type (Game Ready or Studio Driver).

    • Click Search and download the latest recommended driver.

  2. Update Nvidia Drivers

    • Open the Nvidia GeForce Experience application (if installed) and check for updates.

  3. Perform a Clean Installation of Nvidia Drivers (recommended)

    • Run the downloaded Nvidia driver setup file.

    • Choose Custom Installation and select Perform a clean installation.

    • Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

    • Restart your computer after the installation is complete.

Setting Up the Graphics Settings for Optimal Performance

Before scanning, ensure that your PC has the necessary settings configured. If not, your scan may lag, capture a low number of frames/data, and meshing may take significantly longer than usual.

Configuring Nvidia Control Panel

  1. Right-click on your desktop.

  2. Select NVIDIA Control Panel.

  3. From the menu on the left, select Manage 3D settings under 3D Settings.

  4. In the Manage 3D Settings page, select the tab Program settings.

  5. Click Add and select your EinStar software from the list.

  6. If it's not in the list, click Add again.

  7. In the new window, click Browse, navigate to the software installation path or desktop, and add the software.

  8. If prompted, select High-performance NVIDIA processor.

  9. Click Apply to save the settings.

Configuring Microsoft Graphics Settings

  1. Right-click on the Start menu.

  2. Search for Graphics Settings and open it.

  3. Under Custom options for apps, click Browse.

  4. In the new window, navigate to the path of Einstar.exe, select it, and add the file.

  5. Click Options on Einstar.exe from the list.

  6. Select High performance (Dedicated Graphics Card).

  7. Save the Graphics preference.

Verification The driver update, clean installation, or graphics configuration is successful when:

  • Your system runs without graphical errors or crashes.

  • The Nvidia Control Panel and Windows Graphics Settings recognize the correct GPU settings.

  • Scanning software runs smoothly without lag or frame drops.

  • Performance in applications and games improves or remains stable.

Preventive Measures

  • Regularly check for updates using GeForce Experience or the Nvidia website.

  • Always select the correct driver version for your specific GPU and operating system.

  • Configure graphics settings properly to prevent performance degradation.

  • Perform a clean installation only when experiencing significant issues.

Note: If the problem persists, visit Nvidia Support or EinStar Support for further assistance.

Cristian-Gabriel is the author of this solution article.

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